Multimedia-artist working with video, photography and installation, based in Rotterdam.
What is the role of the ''art object'' in a world that's rapidly propelling towards a symbiosis between physical and digital existence?
Through their fascination with the sudden rise of the NFT and its subsequent invasion of the art market, the artist speculated on what the value of an art object capable of existing in both the material and the digital world could really be. Researching the ethical questions consumer culture poses the artist realized that our longing for material objects is something that can be estimated and calculated.
This led to the creation of the GIFS – a stereotypically low-res image designed to be reproduced and shared. Their digital bodies allow for them to be replicated into infinity – each copy a technical downgrade of the original – but their physical form, tucked away on individual USB's used for their exhibition, is one-of-a-kind and thus resistant to reproduction. The GIFS raise a critical question about the worth of the contemporary art object. With the growing importance of collecting objects, what does our future hold for the development of our materialism in the wake of the hybrid art object and its ongoing struggle for authenticity?

Installation shots Utopias Lahti 2023
Asetus/Setting Exhibit @ Galleria Nuovo
Asetus/Setting Exhibit @ Galleria Nuovo

Installation shots BredaPhoto 2022
International Talent Program (ITP)
International Talent Program (ITP)